I've packed my proverbial blogger bag to new terrain. Here are the blogging aparatuses you can find me:
News/Opinion Blog (a more frequently updated version of this blog.)
Fashion/More Personal BlogTumblrConsumerist tumblr (mostly fashion finds)TwitterI hope to see you around!
I'm pretty bad at keeping this "blogging" habit, aren't I? Good thing I don't have any readers, or maybe it's because of... Ponder that one. (It's probably more the latter.) Also, I rather dislike Blogger, especially its logo.
"There is no red state America; there is no blue state of America; there is the United States of America"
I just watched
Right America Feeling Wronged, the new documentary by Alexandra Pelosi that aired on HBO. She followed the McCain/Palin Campaign throughout the season and put together this little documentary showcasing the feelings of the crowds. It always strikes me how groups don't see themselves in others. The McCain/Palin crowds were under fire for their fervor and hatred, but Obama crowds were probably more enthusiastic in their fervor of a candidate. It's (generally) true that Obama crowds were
more positive than McCain crowds, but what about Kerry crowds? At a time when so many people said they were voting
against Bush and not for Kerry, that hatred was seen in liberal crowds. The gloom and doom of another's win is there in supporters of all politicians. It's mostly exaggerated claims fueled by mindless fear, but it's still there. On both sides.
The whole discourse would be benefitted if people just understood that mostly, we're alike. Our policy differences are definitely real and there, sometimes intellectually and sometimes mindlessly, but an approach that ignores all the similarities, that claims claimless ill-intent, that makes up fraugulent information to make their case is no approach. But of course it's a two-way endeavor. We've seen it try and fail because one side is being stubborn and more interested in their side's gain than compromising to get anything done. This democratic system is awful slow.
It has been an exciting couple weeks. I got back from DC mid-week and have been catching up on a couple days of missing class. I have to say, being in the Mall during the swearing in was literally
awesome and completely worth the early wake-up call, cold, and massive crowds.
Something has been bothering me was Obama's title of the first "Global President", and the use of Shakira in some of the events. I know that America is the BIG-WORLD-LEADER, but it seems to me the world is just trying to take pride and credit for when America does something they deem good and ignoring and shunning all things they think America does wrong. I don't approve. I don't think you get to pick and choose who you are. I may not be a Bush supporter, but I will respect the office. I think respect was forgotten a few years ago, which is disappointing. I read somewhere that Bush became the leader for his base and that Obama has opened up the Presidency to lead the whole country, but that doesn't excuse rudeness.
Maybe I'm being too protective of my Presidents, but they are mine. As much as I think President Bush did what he believed was right, that doesn't mean I will pardon his behavior or think he shouldn't be punished. As much as I am proud and excited for Obama to flex his diplomatic muscle and listen to foreign nations, I don't think he is or should be the World's President. Political enthusiasm is refreshing and will hopefully last. Also, service.
Up next I'll try to tackle religion.
It's the awkward boy's time to play, and I find nothing wrong with this. I am enjoying every second. But while discussing this little change of trend, my friend told me he hated it. I found this fact a bit humorous since he's not the most suave guy I've ever met.
Here's the thing, being awkward doesn't mean you're not confident, it just means that you're not the smoothest talker, that you don't always say the right thing, do the right thing, but that you're genuine in heart. It means that you might trip sometimes, you might have too much word vomit, and you are humble about yourself. Confidence seemed to border on arrogance in his analysis (even though to me arrogance comes into a cyclical view of confidence when there is little private confidence and too much public confidence -- why do you need to show it off if you know?)
"Awkward" is more sincere to me than any "confident" guy. Doing your thing regardless of the social connotation. Even if Michael Cera's character in Juno says he "tries really hard" to be as cool as he is, you have an inkling that's just for show.
This is me. I don't want to try hard to be good enough. I don't want to hide what I like to be deemed acceptable. I want to be able to trip and laugh it off. I want to say too much, say too little, and have that be okay too. I'm plenty awkward. Social settings make me nervous, and I say too much when I'm one-on-one. I watch <i>Doctor Who</i>, am trying to write code, I have multiple email accounts because I like to categorize things. I can't recognize 90% of the Top 40 Billboard charts, but can probably name most of Obama's cabinet. I'm awkward. I like myself. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.